The Great Reinvention Series - Day 2

For the next few days we're going to be talking about Business Reinvention. Since the beginning of the pandemic, creatives, entrepreneurs and business owners have had to pivot in order to stay productive. It's been challenging to say the least, HOW have they done it?

I've been working with several clients helping them to take their side hustles, hobbies and ideas to the next level. There are a lot of things you need in to put in place order to have a successful business, and I'm here to share that info with you.

Today topic is need one if you're starting a business. What's yours?

Let's Talk About Reinvention.

Well Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I've been on here in video form, and I've gotta say, it's great to be back!

I thought it would be fun to do a video series exposing you to the ins and outs of reinvention and giving you a glimpse into what I've been doing with my clients over the last few months. I hope you'll come along for the ride and share your own stories along the way. ❤️


#WhyAmIYelling? Because...Truth, Episode 5

You guys! We had some technical difficulties - looking at you Be.Live. But in spite of that, we had a fantastic conversation about TRUTH.

My guest on today's show is my friend Peter McGuire who is so generously sharing his story of truth and transformation with us. Check it out and please share it.

One of the biggest take away's from our conversation (and there are many) is that it's never too late to create change for yourself, especially when you learn that you are responsible for your own happiness.

I love you.

#WhyAmIYelling? Because...Truth, Episode 4. Faith.

Hey everyone! This week on the #WhyAmIYelling? Truth Series, we're talking about the part faith plays in transformation. Often when we are facing the truth - whether it's on our own volition or through an experience we lean on our faith to help get us through. Now, faith can mean different things for people - for me it's about the belief system we create for ourselves as humans. Each is individual to us based on our life experience, our interests, education, religious background, etc. (the list can go on and on).

The important thing to note here is that you are in complete control over how you choose to use faith in your truth journey. Last year I did a TEDx talk based on using your personal faith to overcome fear. That message is timeless. How have you leaned on your faith to help you stand in your truth and create personal change/transformation? I'd love to know!!

Send me a message or leave a comment!! xo