
It's a rainy, dreary Monday in NYC you guys...I'm back to the grind, making progress slowly on my ideas and opportunities. I've been interviewing with a company who shall remain nameless at this point, and I'm not sure what to make of the process. Back in the stone ages, when I actually had to interview for jobs, the process was NOT months in the making but maybe weeks. So far I started interviewing with them just before Thanksgiving, last week I had meeting #5 and today I found out "they want to continue our discussions"....there's still no talk of the actual job. Next step? I should hear back within 2 weeks on the next group of people to meet. I feel like I've been auditioning for weeks and here's the truth...I'm not even sure I want this job!! Lately I've been toying with the idea of creating my own "job"...taking a career path that would allow me to start my own business, continue to maintain a schedule from anywhere and take a giant leap into the unknown - both scary and crazy exciting at the same time. Right now I'm heavily invested in research and time, quizzing people who I respect and admire who have taken a similar chance and so far all direction I'm receiving points to encouragement and support. I'm not scared of taking the leap at all and I'm not afraid to fail either, although I'm pretty certain I won't (bold, I know). I know this is what I'm supposed to do yet I'm still allowing the job interviews to happen. Allowing it because if it comes full circle to fruition in my favor, then my whole financial outlook changes and it would be a lot easier to have a job and do the other thing on the side for a while. So I guess as I type this I know what the answer is...

Take the leap - let the rest fall into place. Wish me luck and hey Universe, if you're listening...some good karma would be appreciated!
