Pre-Holiday Humbug

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] You guys, as we embark on yet another holiday season riddled with too early displays of decorations and in your face cyber sales and commercials, let's ponder the red cup issue at Starbucks or the ice cave Santa display at a mall in New York. First off, who cares? Really...who does? We have children in this country who don't have a place to live or food to eat and some people are worried about a snowflake on a paper cup? REALLY? I feel like all I do lately is rant on this blog...but being a people observer like I am, it's really all I can do.  If you're interested in boycotting those places then great...take the money you were going to spend on over priced coffee and mall pictures and donate it to a worthy cause.

Here's a list of places I applaud for their holiday operating decisions so far:

  • Nordstrom - thank you for allowing us to have Thanksgiving and for not decorating for Christmas until Dec 27.
  • REI - Thank you for CLOSING on black Friday and promoting the #OptOutside family is going to take you up on it! (go outside and be with your kids!!)

Welp, that was a very short list, so that sucks.

My wish this year is that more corporations come to their senses and go back to olden know, like the 1990's...when families could celebrate holidays without the worry that they had to work (unless you're in a profession that requires it, like, oh say, a doctor, nurse, cop, firefighter, etc). Let's go back to decking the halls the day after Thanksgiving. Let's have something to look forward to. Let's GIVE to the ones who really need it. Let's enjoy the holiday season rather than stress and wish it away. Christmases in our house have gotten smaller and smaller, not because we can't afford it, but because we would rather give to others not just during holiday time, but all year long.

Let's change it up this year and instead of boasting about what you got...boast about what you gave.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with minimal stress, happy interactions, fun parties and time to be with the ones you love.


